Sunday, 4 May 2014

The Injury....

So what was supposed to be a holiday/training week in Italy turned out to be more of me taking photos and being shuttle bunny.

After dislocating my right shoulder in the afternoon of day one things weren't looking too good for the rest of the holiday and the near future.

The Accident
Slightly messing up the line off a small drop, going over the drop the boat was rolling to the right. When I landed in the bottom pool I was upside down. Due to a bruise and sore elbow, I think that as I landed in the pool my shoulder and elbow struck a rock. With the force of the water pushing onto the boat this is probably how and when my shoulder came out. After two attempts at rolling, with my head bouncing off the river bed I decided to bail. GoPro flapping around, paddle in right hand and boat in left I was swimming/stumbling down the river. Fortunately the boat got pinned on some rocks, with the others running down the bank I left the boat there and headed to the bank. I managed to climb out of the river, through a garden and onto the road. At this point I was trying to figure out if it was dislocated and seeing if I could move it/force it back in, this wasn't happening and as the initial adrenaline shot wore off the pain set in.
Nice square right shoulder...
After taking my gear off it was clear to see that my shoulder was dislocated. Dan then had to drive me to Borgosesia Hospital which was the longest 45 minute car ride ever! Once arriving at the hospital I was booked in, given an intravenous with drugs attached and wheeled to a waiting area for X-rays to be taken. The language barrier was a bit tricky, but fortunately one of the Doctors was able to translate in a round about way.

After having my first set of X-rays I was told that nothing was broken, just dislocated. I now had to wait for a Doctor who could manipulate it back into place, but he wasn't expected out of theatre for another 30 minutes. At this point the painkillers had started to wear off. With my whole shoulder and arm in constant contraction it was like have cramp but for nearly 2 hours at this point.

Shortly after my third bottle of drugs the Doctor was free and I was being wheeled into a side room.

In she goes!
A linen sheet was wrapped round my torso with a someone hanging off it. A shot of morphine was injected straight into the intravenous line. With the Doctor now holding my right arm, he told me to relax as he rotated and raised my arm. As he got it almost half way up there was a slight click and it was back in, straight away the pain had almost disappeared!

After the manipulation I was wheeled back out to the waiting room for another set of X-rays and sling fitting before being discharged.

Finally back in after nearly 3 hours!
With my shoulder back in we were back in the car and heading to the campsite to continue with the holiday.....

The new holiday wear.